Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Check out these reviews of my make up!


These are two fun blogs!!!!


I was sitting in the car line outside the boys' school today. I was thinking I needed to blog! I haven't been able to come up with a) enough topics b) the time or c) the topic and the time together!
I love reflection time. My favorite time to do this is while I'm waiting in the car line because I'm by myself and there is nothing to distract me. I can't decide to go do laundry, check my email (no iphone for me!) or decide to do something else around the house or in my "lab."
I have been reading ALOT lately. I have so many things I want to know about and perfect in my life.
My current stack (literally, right here next to me) is The Out of Sync Child, The Sales Bible, Tribes, Bringing up Children without Tearing them down, The Best Life Diet, Carbohydrate Addicted Kids, Recipes for Carbo Addicted Kids, BIBLE, and The Little Green Book of Getting your way.
I think I have TOO much to think ABOUT!!! My friends have just started laughing when I say I'm reading a book on "that."
Today, it occured to me, what am I NOT reading about??? I read about health, nutrition, parenting, marriage, friendship, Christian living, and anything about cosmetics I can find!
So, that 's me and REFLECTING...
I also thought about this today about blogging: It's so funny that in college I wanted to write a column but my teacher said it needed more "something." Like it was too bland for a newspaper column. Even my reviews were only A- at best. FUNNY because THOUSANDS of people are making a LIVING writing very similiar "columns" and thoughts on the web only a few years later and I find a lot of them ALOT less interesting than myself!!! LOL
I know this is a random post but it's so typical for me to combine a bunch of stuff and relate it all together. That's just me.