Thursday, July 12, 2012

Beauty comes from within!

I've been wanting to write about this for awhile. I get so many customers who come to me with acne, rashes, bumps, redness, hormonal breakouts, etc and while they are looking for a quick fix, it isn't usually that easy. It takes several sessions with a customer to explain why they may be experiencing such issues. So many things influence our skin: hormones, diet, environment and even our emotions!
To truly tackle problem skin you must first find the problem. I'm only an esthetician, I am not a doctor, so I cannot diagnose a disease or condition, but I am fairly good at figuring out what direction it may be coming from. This, however, may take several months of changing products, supplements or diet to pinpoint.
I read an article today that talked about how we in America are slow to come around to the "beauty from within" way of thinking, meaning, that how our skin looks, comes from more than just makeup!! I've been trying to explain that for years, but most people don't get it. They want ONE cream or ONE makeup product to fix what years of sun damage, or improper eating have resulted in!!! There usually isn't a quick fix for anything, but especially something that stems from INWARD, whether that be the physiological or emotional!
You can literally see it on someone's face when they have had a hard life or are extremely stressed. We don't often think about calming down for the sake of our looks, but it would benefit us to slow down and think about it more often. I saw myself in a mirror yesterday. My skin was sallow,. I had wrinkles between my brows. So, I took a minute to regroup. I realized I was wearing my stress on my face. I reached up and smoothed my angry browns, smiled and finished my trip minus the wrinkles!!!!
Beauty truly does come from within. Sure, some ladies are born with looks, but the rest of us would do well to consider what we have going on inside because we are all blessed with our own attractiveness! We must do what we can to keep it! There are a myriad of products to enhance or slightly correct our issues, but to truly tackle problem skin, it takes time, effort and it's gonna take sacrificing some money usually to get good quality products with active ingredients that will make a difference! Beauty is WORK!!! LOL :)