Thursday, July 12, 2012

Beauty comes from within!

I've been wanting to write about this for awhile. I get so many customers who come to me with acne, rashes, bumps, redness, hormonal breakouts, etc and while they are looking for a quick fix, it isn't usually that easy. It takes several sessions with a customer to explain why they may be experiencing such issues. So many things influence our skin: hormones, diet, environment and even our emotions!
To truly tackle problem skin you must first find the problem. I'm only an esthetician, I am not a doctor, so I cannot diagnose a disease or condition, but I am fairly good at figuring out what direction it may be coming from. This, however, may take several months of changing products, supplements or diet to pinpoint.
I read an article today that talked about how we in America are slow to come around to the "beauty from within" way of thinking, meaning, that how our skin looks, comes from more than just makeup!! I've been trying to explain that for years, but most people don't get it. They want ONE cream or ONE makeup product to fix what years of sun damage, or improper eating have resulted in!!! There usually isn't a quick fix for anything, but especially something that stems from INWARD, whether that be the physiological or emotional!
You can literally see it on someone's face when they have had a hard life or are extremely stressed. We don't often think about calming down for the sake of our looks, but it would benefit us to slow down and think about it more often. I saw myself in a mirror yesterday. My skin was sallow,. I had wrinkles between my brows. So, I took a minute to regroup. I realized I was wearing my stress on my face. I reached up and smoothed my angry browns, smiled and finished my trip minus the wrinkles!!!!
Beauty truly does come from within. Sure, some ladies are born with looks, but the rest of us would do well to consider what we have going on inside because we are all blessed with our own attractiveness! We must do what we can to keep it! There are a myriad of products to enhance or slightly correct our issues, but to truly tackle problem skin, it takes time, effort and it's gonna take sacrificing some money usually to get good quality products with active ingredients that will make a difference! Beauty is WORK!!! LOL :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Explanations on jar sizes

Found this online today while searching for jars and thought, "why haven't I done this yet?"
So, since someone else was kind enough to put it together, I'll use it. I found it here:

What are the different sizes?
3 Gram Jars - A little bigger than the size of a nickel. They are a little under 1" across and 1/2" tall. They hold about 1/8 Ounce, 3ml or 1/4 Tablespoon of product.
5 Gram Jars - A little smaller than the size of a quarter. They are about 1" across and 3/4" tall. They hold about 1/4 Ounce, 6ml or 1/2 Tablespoon of product.
10 Gram Jars - A little smaller than a half-dollar piece. They are about 1.25" across and 3/4" tall. They hold about 1/2 Ounce, 12ml or 1 Tablespoon of product.
20 Gram Jars - About the size of a silver dollar. They are 2" across and 3/4" Tall. They hold about 1 Ounce, 24ml or 2 Tablespoons of product.
30 Gram Jars - About the size of a silver dollar. They are 2" across and 1" Tall. They hold about 1.5 Ounces, 36ml or 3 Tablespoons of product.
50 Gram Jars - A little larger than a silver dollar. They are 2.25" across and a tad over 1" Tall. They hold about 2.5 Ounces, 60ml or 5 Tablespoons of product.

Friday, March 16, 2012

You were right

Ok, read the title again dear hubby, cause those words don't escape my lips very often, and not because you aren't ever right, but because it hurts to admit it :)
So, what he was right about is BLOGGING. He tried to tell me about blogging about 4 years ago, but the way he described it, it was for techy people and I envisioned a blank screen with a blinking cursor from the 80's! He said people just write about anything, whatever and people read it. I didn't understand that the blog was so versatile, that there were SITES of these, not just some journal on someone's own elusive webpage. Wish I had understood what he was trying to tell me and wish I had started back then!! Oh well, no better time than the present :) As I've struggled with how to grow my mineral makeup business over the last 7 years, I knew I wanted to market online, but wasn't sure how. Blogging is IN and it WORKS!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Leadership Doesn't Equal Domination

I was watching Jimmy Evans today. He's one of my favorite voices on marriage.
Today as I was watching, he said something that made me drop what I was doing and run to my blog!
I see so many couples struggle with this one issue: leadership. And the problem of leading looking like domination or a dictatorship.
In my opinion, men hear they are to LEAD the home and they come home (to tell their wife about their new found epiphany) beating their chest, telling their wife they are the leader of the home. This leaves the woman very confused, for she already knew this and was just waiting for him to decide to lead in certain areas. And as he lets out his Tarzan war cry, she just wonders where he's been all her life, no REALLY! I mean, when this happened to me, I wondered, WHO are you and what have you done with my husband. Why do you want to take away my say so in everything and call it "leading?"
The tendency is to take that "leadership" and shove it right down their wife's throat, or that's what I have seen happen more than a few times. I get very frustrated because many times a man hears this as he is seeking help for his possibly already rocky marriage. I just want to say LEADERSHIP doesn't equal dominating your wife. It doesn't mean telling her what is best for her. It doesn't mean taking away her right to weigh in on important issues or non important issues with the family, as a whole or individually. It doesn't mean choosing to do things without even talking to her anymore. And it doesn't mean you get to do what YOU want. Please reread that last sentence.
After watching Jimmy for a few minutes today, this is what I felt said what leadership actually IS. This is straight from Jimmy, almost word for word, "Women need to feel secure. Money is  a very important part of a woman feeling secure.  Another thing women need is leadership. Every woman wants her husband to lead her, not to dominate her, but to be an equal partner. Women need a man to initiate the well being of the home, romantically, spiritually, with kids and money. Her security is derived from knowing her husband is tuned in and being responsible in that area."
What I want you to get out of that is that women don't need some Tarzan, hairy chest-beating, war cry screaming MAN. We need a man to INITIATE, not TAKE OVER. We need them to NOT DO BY THEMSELVES because they want to, because they want to feel totally responsible. But to take upon themselves the well being of our family and home.  Staying tuned in and responsible. Being sure to look after the best interests of everyone. Part of that includes listening to your wife who will have great insight to what is truly best for the children, since she probably spends more time one on one with them!
I wish I had more time, but I hope you heard what I said. I really feel there is such confusion in the church about what being a leader of the household is all about and personally after reading Proverbs 31, and seeing the WOMAN being the DOER of the household, I'm not so sure we've appropriately named leader of the household. What a woman does while her man is away at work is lead the household, quite literally, what a man is supposed to do, it seems to me is lead the household, figuratively. Just meaning that the term is figurative, what they are DOING is not figurative. But action oriented! So, when a man leads his family, he takes the responsibility for his family, or household. I hope that last part didn't confuse you. I got into semantics there, sorry!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Osmosis new "RESTORE"


I'm so excited about this new product! I haven't got to try it out yet, it's still in the preorder phase, but for all ladies who fight melasma, age spots, freckling and aging in general, there is a new player on the field!
I love the brand Osmosis because they produce medical grade products with safe, effective ingredients, including botanticals, essential oils and with leading edge technology to fight aging with grace and dignity! They aren't just concerned with looking good, but being healthy from the inside out!
They offer products and ingredients you might not be familiar with, but once you are acquainted, you'll be as excited as I am!
Restore has big shoes to fill as Osmosis says it can provide a permanent solution for existing melasma and hyperpigmentation.

"Restore is designed to improve and strengthen the body and skin for overall wellness. It will assist in treating and preventing disease thus enabling a healthy life. Should you be experiencing any of the below conditions, it is recommended to use Restore daily.
  • Aging body and skin (all ages)
  • Melasma, Hyperpigmentation, Liver and Age Spots
  • Weak or Suppressed Immune System
  • Disease or Illness
  • Deteriorating Organs or Joints

If you are like me, you want to know what is in it and is it safe?

The primary ingredient in Restore is sweet wormwood extract. Restore utilizes a special extraction process that dramatically increases its potency. Research has been done on this supplement for over 2 decades and it has been FDA approved in Kenya (the eighth largest research center in the world) for the treatment of many different medical conditions. "  Osmosis website

Restore actually repairs proteins that have been damaged by free radicals.
Osmosis says, "Research shows that likely causes of aging are the accumulation of free radicals and protein damage found in the body. Protein oxidation occurs daily in our cells and is also the result of free radicals with the buildup of this damage, premature aging occurs. No longer is treating free-radicals enough to prevent aging. Restore enhances the body's ability to repair broken (toxic) proteins considerably, thereby reducing the progression of aging, disease, and inflammation."

I'll post a follow up when I get a chance to have some experience with this wonderful product!