Monday, March 30, 2009

Barely Blogging

Can you barely blog?? I mean, can you blog so intermittently that it's called "barely blogging?" I think so, I think maybe I should change the name of my blog!!!
I have good intentions, but you know what they say about that.............
So, what's keeping me from blogging more??? Well, not much, it's just that I have been in school full-time since January and it's eating my lunch. I am in school 9-2 or so and then pick up the kids at school around 3:15. Let me mention my Aesthetics school is 40 minutes from my house and the kids school is about half way between my school and home. So, there's alot of driving involved!
I take my oldest son to Occupational Therapy Tuesdays at 3 p.m. so I have to pick the boys up early from school that day. On Wednesdays I stay late at school, usually until 5, thanks to friends who I trade with, meaning on Fridays it's hectic with 4 kids running around after school while I try to begin a week's worth of laundry, cook something healthy for dinner, well most of the time. Let me not lie, most Fridays I cave in and order pizza, but only since I've been in school.
I was so tired the first two months of school I was in bed by 9 p.m. and sawing logs quicker than the kids!
Ah, the quest for knowledge continues!
I'm thinking nutritionist may be next on my list of to-do's!!!! :-)