Thursday, November 3, 2011

Flu Shots...........more bad news

I ran across this information while looking for information on vaccinations in general. "If an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970 - 1980 (the years of the study) his/her chance of developing Alzheimer's Disease is 10 times greater than if they had 1, two or no shots." When asked why, Dr. Fudenberg stated that it is due to the mercury and aluminum buildup that is in EVERY flu shot (and in almost all childhood shots). The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes cognitive dysfunction. Dr. Fudenberg's comments above were from his speech at the NVIC International Vaccine Conference, Arlington VA September, 1997. <<<< I'm sick and tired of doctors cramming as many shots into visits as they can and being bullied by doctors and staff into thinking if I don't vaccinate myself and my children for EVERYTHING they offer and practically require, that I'm a bad parent. I think in 10 years I'll be joined by TONS of my friends and family who will realize I wasn't crazy, that alot of reading on the internet (of medical journals, reviews, doctors notes, etc) pays off! I think it's crazy that we so blindly follow a "medical PRACTICE." Sorry for the rambling, I've got a good 5 minutes to get this out while Rylan plays on the floor happily. I no longer blindly accept what doctors tell me. ??) I'm not into handing my health over to folks whose main medical training and reasoning is backed up by pharmacy companies who are making billions of dollars off people who blindly walk into doctors offices everyday and take the advice of any person in a white coat. I believe alot of medical school knowledge is OUTDATED and has not been proven, many things are taught solely because it was published in a book. It wasn't verified and it was knowledge put together 50 years ago and hasn't been researched any further since then. Did you know doctors don't even study nutrition in medical school??? Or they haven't in the past???? We need to require more from our medical community. I'm starting by taking the information I find and sharing it with my doctor. Should be very interesting conversation. Esp since his last words to me were, vaccinations are VERY SAFE!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Where the Magic Happens!

Have you ever wondered where I make this magical makeup??? I don't know why it's never occurred to me to let you all see where I make Lisha Lynn, but I spent all day Sunday cleaning up this room and I'm ready to show it off! And by cleaning, I mean C L E A N. When you make makeup that is ALL made of POWDERS, it's a MESS, hence, the plastic! I didn't get a before, and if I had, not sure I would show it :) I didn't think to get a picture until I had worked for hours cleaning containers, dusting shelves, vacuuming the floor, and washing ingredient containers. I also finally got reorganized! It took awhile to label everything too! I love my little label machine! This shelf has my jars, bottles and skincare on it.
This table holds my ingredients and mixer and is the tabletop where I mix all the fabulous shades of Lisha Lynn! It never stays this clean :(
This is my shelf of finished products......I keep quite an inventory of ready to jar makeup on hand.
This cool rack holds my finished products that are jarred and labeled!
Some shots of the room.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

New Finishing Powder for Maturing Skin!!!!

I just finished working on a brand new finishing powder that will do everything the Glowing Perfection did: give your makeup staying power and give you a smoother, more finished "look," PLUS it will enhance the youthful tones of the skin, while reducing the dull, flat look we get as our skin ages!!!
This new formula contains a new ingredient that helps skin reflect light as it did in it's youth!!! There is a very technical way to explain this, but it would take two paragraphs, so I'm going to use layman's terms here. As we age from sun exposure, our skin stops emitting or reflecting light as it did in our youth, resulting in a duller, wrinkled appearance. So, with a few strokes of powder, more youthful skin emerges as the appearance of shadows, wrinkles, pigmentations and discolorations are diminished!!! It will take a few minutes for the powder to react with your skin and light for the finished look.
I haven't decided on a name.....want to help me come up with one?? Leave me your ideas on my comments or facebook page!!!
Ok, here is my before, with just makeup on!

and after with new Finishing Powder! Notice pores are smaller and I look "smoother." I may not have waited long enough for all the "colors" to show up and my skin is certainly not "mature" enough to have totally lost the ability to reflect the colors anyway. More mature skin will see more results! However, I did notice the shadows under my eye were better!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Flu Shot Advocate got flu ANYWAY last year!!!!!

I just saw Dr. Jennifer Ashton on the Early Show talking about why we all need the flu vaccine. For those of you who don't know how I feel about the flu shot, let me tell you. I despise it.
I can't go into all the details now, but just take into consideration that you are always being vaccinated for last year's strain (they can't keep up with it quick enough to vaccinate with what is actually going around), it has mercury in it, over two times the recommended amount. And what is most appalling to me is that they recommend this shot to pregnant women!!! You can receive a no-mercury dose, but your insurance probably won't cover it and it costs over $200 I believe!
So, Dr. Ashton mentions all the reasons why you should have one.......200,000 are hospitalized every year with the flu (actual low numbers for an illness, missed work days, etc. SHE, HERSELF, lost a WEEK out with the flu last year!!! So, I wondered, did SHE GET the vaccine last year????;lst;2
She sure did, that link from last year shows her talking about getting the vaccines and vaccinating herself and her kids. Guess who got the flu ANYWAY??? That's RIGHT, SHE DID!!!
So, how effective is that ol' vaccine???? Not very, but somehow they think it's worth the risk to dose yourself with live viruses and mercury??? Ok, didn't have time to put in more details, will do later! Baby on lap!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Osmosis skincare

I'm getting ahead of myself by posting this, but I think I will have enough clients/friends needing this info and I want to be able to refer them back to my blog to get this info.....
Osmosis Skincare: Ask Osmosis: Order of Application: The question that we are asked the most often is "In what order do I apply my products?". This is a great question.  Knowing the proper se...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Makeup Schmakeup

Working on foundations like a fiend while my mom is here. They aren't coming out. They aren't matching the previous batches and when I freehand them, they are taking FOREVER to match.
I got out the OLD colors, from a few years ago and we are way off, yellower and lighter. I can't decide whether to go back to those or not. They tended to be too yellow or orangey. So much product evolution has taken place and mostly for the good of the makeup, but this is a problem that small makeup companies fight with constantly.
I guess I'm moving up on to batching! I'm sure this is a good thing, but it means alot more product storage, more product made at a time and much more documentation and I am not good at that!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Brown Shimmer Blush Redo PICS

I'm learning photo editing and I worked on these pics so you can see the color difference. I think this is a better representation!
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My boys


Just going thru some pics off my camera from the past few months and found this one from Grayden's Kindergarten graduation, back in May!
School starts this week and we just got the back to school haircuts today. Can't believe the summer is over!
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Friday, July 1, 2011


Multiple coats of frosting-like paint on it........lots of sanding after! Not having ever done enamel on furniture before, I had no idea!!!
Finally thinned the paint out and it went on BEAUTIFULLY. Used a brush, sponge roller left texture. I'd spray it next time. Thinking about getting a paint sprayer!

Front slight distressed detail on drawers

Top of table

After I get some decor on it, I'll some beautiful candlesticks coming!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

New and Improved!

Nope, not my furniture as seen in yesterday's post! It's makeup. My mom is here helping me get the Lisha Lynn supply restocked and everytime I have to fill my supply, I can't help but play around with the colors. I haven't had any complaints in 6 years of business, so I guess everyone agrees with me, an improvement is an improvement!
I started with Dark Plum eyeshadow and it is basically the same, just brighter and sparklier. More plummy!
Then I did Brown Shimmer Blush, I actually have pics of this one! The old one I was never excited about

(pic of it on the bowl) and today I threw a little of this and a little of that into it, and voila, it was BETTER. So I added some bronze, brown micas with lots of interference (gold, bronze, copper undertones) and then on a whim threw in a baby pink interference color which was amazing! So, the color on the left is the old, the one on the right is the new! The old is yellowish undertone and the new is more cool undertones and has blues and pinks which brighten anyone's complexion!

I'm still working on getting better pics. I can only do so much people!!! Typing this up while Rylan is feeding. Poor baby, his head bobs on my arm as I type. LOL
The wonders of multitasking!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Before and During - my first furniture ReDo!

So, I'm pretty sure I'm in over my head!! Knowing that things never go as planned (or at least with my husband's projects), I told him to give me about a week to get the table sanded, primed and painted. He thought it would take a couple of days. But, we didn't take humidity, stupidity (my total ignorance on this subject) into consideration. So, it's been over a week and I've sanded and painted almost everyday ;) and the table is no closer to being done that it was a day after I started. uh huh I'm a pro.

I don't have a current pic, but the table is a smudged up mess of white enamel. Evidently painting in the garage wasn't a great idea. It's inside now and at the risk of being a real hoosier, I'm thinking of just using as is, rough up the edges, give it the distressed look and call it a learning experience. But, I know me. That won't happen. I won't be able to stand to look at the uneven dried paint and would be sanding the table in the middle of the living room one day because it got on my nerves. Now I have to decide whether to grind it down and start over or sand and spray the thing instead of brushing it! It just feels like cheating if I don't paint it by hand. Oh well!

Friday, June 17, 2011

New Blog!!

I'm changing the name of my blog to Lish's Dish. I've changed alot in the last couple of years and it's high time I get back in the swing of things with a shiny new blog! My husband says it's too bright. Well, he actually said I could try something "more subtle." But, I'm a very subtle person in real life and if I can't have bold color on a blog, than where else can I have it??? It's not like I painted the walls bright blue..............