Saturday, August 27, 2011

Makeup Schmakeup

Working on foundations like a fiend while my mom is here. They aren't coming out. They aren't matching the previous batches and when I freehand them, they are taking FOREVER to match.
I got out the OLD colors, from a few years ago and we are way off, yellower and lighter. I can't decide whether to go back to those or not. They tended to be too yellow or orangey. So much product evolution has taken place and mostly for the good of the makeup, but this is a problem that small makeup companies fight with constantly.
I guess I'm moving up on to batching! I'm sure this is a good thing, but it means alot more product storage, more product made at a time and much more documentation and I am not good at that!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Brown Shimmer Blush Redo PICS

I'm learning photo editing and I worked on these pics so you can see the color difference. I think this is a better representation!
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My boys


Just going thru some pics off my camera from the past few months and found this one from Grayden's Kindergarten graduation, back in May!
School starts this week and we just got the back to school haircuts today. Can't believe the summer is over!
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