Saturday, September 24, 2011

New Finishing Powder for Maturing Skin!!!!

I just finished working on a brand new finishing powder that will do everything the Glowing Perfection did: give your makeup staying power and give you a smoother, more finished "look," PLUS it will enhance the youthful tones of the skin, while reducing the dull, flat look we get as our skin ages!!!
This new formula contains a new ingredient that helps skin reflect light as it did in it's youth!!! There is a very technical way to explain this, but it would take two paragraphs, so I'm going to use layman's terms here. As we age from sun exposure, our skin stops emitting or reflecting light as it did in our youth, resulting in a duller, wrinkled appearance. So, with a few strokes of powder, more youthful skin emerges as the appearance of shadows, wrinkles, pigmentations and discolorations are diminished!!! It will take a few minutes for the powder to react with your skin and light for the finished look.
I haven't decided on a name.....want to help me come up with one?? Leave me your ideas on my comments or facebook page!!!
Ok, here is my before, with just makeup on!

and after with new Finishing Powder! Notice pores are smaller and I look "smoother." I may not have waited long enough for all the "colors" to show up and my skin is certainly not "mature" enough to have totally lost the ability to reflect the colors anyway. More mature skin will see more results! However, I did notice the shadows under my eye were better!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Flu Shot Advocate got flu ANYWAY last year!!!!!

I just saw Dr. Jennifer Ashton on the Early Show talking about why we all need the flu vaccine. For those of you who don't know how I feel about the flu shot, let me tell you. I despise it.
I can't go into all the details now, but just take into consideration that you are always being vaccinated for last year's strain (they can't keep up with it quick enough to vaccinate with what is actually going around), it has mercury in it, over two times the recommended amount. And what is most appalling to me is that they recommend this shot to pregnant women!!! You can receive a no-mercury dose, but your insurance probably won't cover it and it costs over $200 I believe!
So, Dr. Ashton mentions all the reasons why you should have one.......200,000 are hospitalized every year with the flu (actual low numbers for an illness, missed work days, etc. SHE, HERSELF, lost a WEEK out with the flu last year!!! So, I wondered, did SHE GET the vaccine last year????;lst;2
She sure did, that link from last year shows her talking about getting the vaccines and vaccinating herself and her kids. Guess who got the flu ANYWAY??? That's RIGHT, SHE DID!!!
So, how effective is that ol' vaccine???? Not very, but somehow they think it's worth the risk to dose yourself with live viruses and mercury??? Ok, didn't have time to put in more details, will do later! Baby on lap!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Osmosis skincare

I'm getting ahead of myself by posting this, but I think I will have enough clients/friends needing this info and I want to be able to refer them back to my blog to get this info.....
Osmosis Skincare: Ask Osmosis: Order of Application: The question that we are asked the most often is "In what order do I apply my products?". This is a great question.  Knowing the proper se...