Thursday, November 3, 2011

Flu Shots...........more bad news

I ran across this information while looking for information on vaccinations in general. "If an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970 - 1980 (the years of the study) his/her chance of developing Alzheimer's Disease is 10 times greater than if they had 1, two or no shots." When asked why, Dr. Fudenberg stated that it is due to the mercury and aluminum buildup that is in EVERY flu shot (and in almost all childhood shots). The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes cognitive dysfunction. Dr. Fudenberg's comments above were from his speech at the NVIC International Vaccine Conference, Arlington VA September, 1997. <<<< I'm sick and tired of doctors cramming as many shots into visits as they can and being bullied by doctors and staff into thinking if I don't vaccinate myself and my children for EVERYTHING they offer and practically require, that I'm a bad parent. I think in 10 years I'll be joined by TONS of my friends and family who will realize I wasn't crazy, that alot of reading on the internet (of medical journals, reviews, doctors notes, etc) pays off! I think it's crazy that we so blindly follow a "medical PRACTICE." Sorry for the rambling, I've got a good 5 minutes to get this out while Rylan plays on the floor happily. I no longer blindly accept what doctors tell me. ??) I'm not into handing my health over to folks whose main medical training and reasoning is backed up by pharmacy companies who are making billions of dollars off people who blindly walk into doctors offices everyday and take the advice of any person in a white coat. I believe alot of medical school knowledge is OUTDATED and has not been proven, many things are taught solely because it was published in a book. It wasn't verified and it was knowledge put together 50 years ago and hasn't been researched any further since then. Did you know doctors don't even study nutrition in medical school??? Or they haven't in the past???? We need to require more from our medical community. I'm starting by taking the information I find and sharing it with my doctor. Should be very interesting conversation. Esp since his last words to me were, vaccinations are VERY SAFE!!!!!!

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