Friday, March 16, 2012

You were right

Ok, read the title again dear hubby, cause those words don't escape my lips very often, and not because you aren't ever right, but because it hurts to admit it :)
So, what he was right about is BLOGGING. He tried to tell me about blogging about 4 years ago, but the way he described it, it was for techy people and I envisioned a blank screen with a blinking cursor from the 80's! He said people just write about anything, whatever and people read it. I didn't understand that the blog was so versatile, that there were SITES of these, not just some journal on someone's own elusive webpage. Wish I had understood what he was trying to tell me and wish I had started back then!! Oh well, no better time than the present :) As I've struggled with how to grow my mineral makeup business over the last 7 years, I knew I wanted to market online, but wasn't sure how. Blogging is IN and it WORKS!!!

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